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1"""The pip proxy"""
2from urllib.parse import urlparse
3import lxml.etree as ET
5import cherrypy
7from httpproxy import HttpProxy
10class PipProxy:
11 """The pip proxy"""
13 def __init__(self, config):
14 self.logger = config['logger']
15 self.config = config
16 self.key = 'pip'
17 if self.key not in self.config:
18 self.config[self.key] = {
19 'registry': '', 'self': 'https://localhost:4443/pip'}
21 self._proxy = HttpProxy(self.config, self.key)
22 self.logger.debug('PipProxy instantiated with %s',
23 self.config[self.key])
25 def callback(self, _input_bytes, request):
26 """write the file to disk"""
27 parser = ET.XMLParser(recover=True)
28 doc = _input_bytes
29 tree = ET.fromstring(doc, parser=parser)
31 if tree is not None:
32 for node in tree.findall('.//a[@href]'):
33 href = node.get('href')
34 if href.find('/packages/') > -1:
35 new_tarball = urlparse(
36 href
37 )
38 newhref = f"{self.config['pip']['self']}{new_tarball.path}"
39 node.set('href', newhref)
40 doc = ET.tostring(tree)
42 request['response'] = doc
44 @cherrypy.expose
45 def proxy(self, environ, start_response):
46 '''Proxy a pip repo request.'''
47 path = environ["REQUEST_URI"].removeprefix(f"/{self.key}")
49 newrequest = {}
50 newrequest['method'] = cherrypy.request.method
51 newrequest['headers'] = cherrypy.request.headers
52 newrequest['actual_request'] = cherrypy.request
53 # application/vnd.pypi.simple.v1+json, application/vnd.pypi.simple.v1+html, and text/html
55 newrequest['content_type'] = 'application/vnd.pypi.simple.v1+html'
56 newrequest['path'] = path
58 if path.startswith('/packages'):
59 newrequest['storage'] = 'npm/tarballs'
60 newhost = ''
62 '%s Create new proxy with host %s and path %s', __name__, newhost, path)
64 dynamic_config = {
65 'no_cache': self._proxy.no_cache,
66 'logger': self.config['logger'],
67 f"{self.key}": {
68 'registry': newhost,
69 }
70 }
71 dynamic_proxy = HttpProxy(dynamic_config, self.key)
73 return dynamic_proxy.rest_proxy(newrequest, start_response)
75 newrequest['storage'] = self.key
76 newrequest['logger'] = self.logger
77 newrequest['callback'] = self.callback
78 return self._proxy.rest_proxy(newrequest, start_response)